Fibromyalgia and Vulvodynia Sufferers Seek Relief with Emu Oil
Easing the pain of fibromyalgia and vulvodynia without side effects
(EMAILWIRE.COM, June 13, 2007 ) San Angelo, TX — Patient advocate and author Claudia Craig Marek, M. A. will be presenting Emu Oil in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia & Vulvodynia during the Emu Oil Seminar for Medical Professionals on July 7th at the Holiday Inn Downtown at the Park in Missoula, MT. The seminar is being held in conjunction with the 17th Annual American Emu Association National Convention. Marek is president of the Fibromyalgia Treatment Center, a non-profit foundation that raises money for Fibromyalgia Research. As medical assistant for R. Paul St. Amand, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, UCLA, she has counseled fibromyalgia patients for over seven years. She is the co-author with Dr. St. Amand on the best seller: “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia.” Her book, “The First Year–Fibromyalgia: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed (The First Year Series)” is on its sixth printing.
Fibromyalgia is a difficult-to-diagnose, debilitating condition with a complex set of related symptoms; it affects about five percent of the US population. Diagnosis relies on a lengthy and expensive process of elimination via established testing techniques. Although there is no cure, fibromyalgia can be treated and managed.
Sixteen percent of the female population (one in six) suffer from vulvodynia, a persistent vulvar pain for which there is no immediately identifiable cause. Not easily recognized by medical practitioners because of the variations in symptoms, Vulvodynia causes the vulvar skin to become exceedingly thin and fragile. Treatment consists of a low oxalate diet, topical anesthetics, oral pain-relieving medications, nerve blocks, physical therapy and, in some cases, surgery. Unfortunately, the most commonly recommended topical creams contain steroids, which thin the skin and aggravate the problem. Physicians often recommend yeast infection creams which only exacerbate the symptoms, as do antibiotics, states Clover Quinn, R. N. and Montana Emu Association (MTEA) president. Nearly every cream has propylene glycol in it, which causes extreme burning. Many fibromyalgia and vulvodynia sufferers find relief by incorporating emu oil into their daily health care routine.
For more information about The Fibromyalgia Treatment Center, please visit

Founded in 1989, The American Emu Association is a non-profit trade association representing breeders, producers and marketers of emu meat, oil and other emu co-products. The emu industry is an alternative agricultural industry, dominated by the small farmer, who is devoted to humane and environmentally positive practices that will produce beneficial products for society. For more information about the American Emu Association (AEA) or the emu industry visit