Breeder Directory Apply online to become a new AEA member or renew your existing membership. AEA Breeder Directory Click on one of our AEA Breeders below to learn more. What to Know Before You Buy an Emu 2020 Farm State: AR 3 Feathers Emu Ranch State: WA Belleau Wood Farms State: GA Dragon Rest Ranch State: AZ Dragonfly Emu Farms State: AR Greyfell Farm State: VT Kalarama Emu State: KY Marie Deluca State: MD McAdoo Zoo State: TN MN Emu LLC State: MN Montana Emu Ranch State: MT Moonlight Valley Farm, LLC State: PA Morning Glory Ranch Texas State: TX Pine Hill Farms State: DE Progressive Emu Inc. State: AL Sandhollow Funny Farm State: ID Thistle Dew Acres State: VT Wild Rose Emu Ranch State: MT Willo and Felix Farm LLC State: CT Yoke Farms State: MI