The information on this page has been donated by Allen and Myra Charleston of Red Oak Farm. Many thanks to them!
The information is informational only and not neccessarily the views of the AEA.
(Please do not try to contact them. They have retired from Emu farming.)
Click on a topic for the information
- Introduction
- Farming information links
- What is an Emu
- What is a Farm
- Facilities - Land fencing and Shelters
- From Egg to Grow Out
- Buying Your Birds
- Birds That Fight
- Sex and the Emu
- Feed Requirements for Emu
- Forage for Emus
- Rodents - Mice & Rats
- Insect Control
- Diseases
- Emu Chick Health Concerns
- Medical Supplies
- Parasites
- Feathers & Crafts
- Home Processing Your Emu
- Where Can You Sell Your Products