
Fencing for Emu’s

October 30, 2023 |

   Large birds wandering down the road can illustrate what can happen when you have inadequate fencing for your emus.  A loud noise, a strange animal or a myriad of other things can set an emu into a full-blown rampage.  All it takes is a toe hold in the fence and suddenly they have toppled…

Meat The Farmer!!!

October 11, 2023 |

Meat The Farmer! Spend a lovely Autumn day in the heart of The Hudson Valley, NY and sample the harvest bounty of local farms! The American Emu Association will be participating in Meat The Farmer: Savor The Flavor Of Local Agriculture, sponsored by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County, NY. The event will take place…

Emus As Pets

August 21, 2023 |

The changing IndustryMany emu farmers have seen a significant uptick in the calls from customers looking to add emus to their flocks. Most are just looking to buy an emu for a pet.  The AEA has several members who are filling this demographic with emu chicks from emu pairs using careful nutrition, breeding and record…

MoCRA? What is it?

July 20, 2023 |

By now you may have heard about the new FDA law that regulates cosmetics. The Modernization of Cosmetic Regulation Act of 2022, or MoCRA, is the most significant expansion of regulations into the cosmetic industry since the expansion of the FDA to include cosmetics in 1938. The benefit to emu farmers who also sell emu oil…

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